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Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Community, 

What a difficult week it has been for all of us. In case you missed it, I sent out a message this past week in response to the sixRead more...

Messge from Rabbi Janine

Dear Community, This past weekend, as many of us in the States were enjoying a beautiful Shabbat day, news broke that the bodies of six hostagesRead more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Garment workers striking during the

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Community, 

The summer is coming to it's (unofficial) end soon with Labor Day Weekend one week away. I always feel a bit of sadness around thisRead more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Community,

I spent a lot of time this week thinking about the Jewish concept of kavanah, the Hebrew word for intention. On Monday, the Bucks CoRead more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Please note: Due to the remnants of Hurricane Debby in our area, services will be held online only tonight. There will be no in-person services tonighRead more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Community, 

With 115 hostages from October 7th still in our hearts, today I am celebrating the release of American Jewish journalist Evan GershRead more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Community, 

A story: 

Two men were fighting over a piece of land between their homes. Their rabbi came by amidst the shouting and after heariRead more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Congregants, 

According to the rabbis, even Gd worked under a deadline.
In Pirkei Avot (a rabbinic book containing moral teachings and wisdom) Read more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Congregants, 

According to the rabbis, even Gd worked under a deadline.
In Pirkei Avot (a rabbinic book containing moral teachings and wisdom) Read more...

Meal train request for Rabbi Janine and family!

Dear KHN members, cooks and mensches,

Rabbi Janine and her family are moving tomorrow, Thursday, July 18, into their new home in Doylestown Township.Read more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Congregants, 

This week in parshat Chukat we read that the Israelites have now arrived at the "wilderness of Zin in the first month." This isRead more...

Rabbi Janine's Shabbat Message

Dear Congregants, 

I want to first share my gratitude to all of you for a remarkable first week as your new rabbi. It has been a pleasure to meet wiRead more...
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784