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2023-24 Religious School Registration

Section A: Family Contact Information

If there is a secondary contact, all emails and mailings will go to both contacts. In case of urgent need, the primary contact will be notified first

Section B: Student Enrollment Information
Student 1 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 2 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 3 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Student 4 Information
Information will not be shared publicly. Parents will be copied on all communication to students.
Information will not be shared publicly. Students will not be contacted independently from parents.
Does your child have allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe allergies and medications with dosage and timing.
Section C: Release Forms

By signing my name below, my child(ren) have permission to participate in the Kehilat Hanahar Shul School. In consideration of my child(ren)'s acceptance as a shul school student, I hereby waive any and all claims against Kehilat Hanahar, its agents and its employees that may arise out of any injury, loss or damage suffered by my child(ren) during any religious school activity. I hereby authorize the School Coordinator, or person designated by the School Coordinator, to obtain emergency medical care for my child(ren) in the event such care is indicated. I give my permission for my child(ren) to receive emergency medical care by any nurse, doctor, paramedic or member of a medical staff of a hospital licensed by the State of Pennsylvania. I understand that every effort will be made to notify a parent/guardian prior to treatment.

I certify that my child(ren) is(are) in good physical health. They have my permission to participate in all activities that are part of the regular shul school program.

By typing my name, I confirm I have read, understand and agree to the above.
Media Release

From time to time your child’s photo may be taken in our classrooms or special events.  We use these photos in the synagogue E-Bulletin (goes to members and non-members), on our synagogue website, our Facebook group and other publicity materials, including press releases to local newspapers.

Section D: Congregation Community

You may have noticed that at the top of the form we begin with family information.  This is intentional.  The work of raising and educating Jewish children cannot be done in the school alone, but is a project of the school, the family and the community. You are not just registering your child(ren) for school today, but in fact your entire family.   When you come in the building and spend time learning and volunteering with us, you make a powerful statement to your children that Jewish learning is a lifelong process and that we are all on the same team in creating these experiences for them.  Don’t underestimate the subtle power of this statement!

We have several days during the course of the year on which parents can participate in programs with students inside and outside of KHN.  Please plan to join us on these days.

In addition to those opportunities to participate we are in need of regular volunteers to make our school work.  Would you consider supporting our school in an ongoing role or a limited engagement?

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785