Bagel U
"Bagel University” (commonly known as “Bagel U”) is a learning experience where members teach members at the Shul, in their homes, or on Zoom on a broad range of topics within Jewish heritage, religion, culture, and the arts. “Bagel U” classes are a way of helping our members gain a deeper understanding of topics of personal interest that are related to Judaism. Members are encouraged to offer their suggestions of classes they 'd like to attend as well as classes they'd like to lead!
Our Winter/Spring 2025 schedule is shaping up with multiple events:
If you're not a member and enjoy viewing these classes, please consider joining as a member or making a thank-you donation.
A chronological year-by-year listing for past Bagel U events follows; please scroll down to see the YouTube recordings (posted in reverse chronological order). Our pre-2020 Archives can be viewed here.
Politics of Poetry After October 7: Jewish Voices and the Struggle to Be Heard
The Pilght of Haitian Refugees and Efforts to Transform Their Lives
Short Story Reading - "Frieda and her Golem"
Contemporary Jewish Artists - Lee Krasner
Heretics & Heresy
Why Do We Have Poverty?
Explore the Judaica Collection at Princeton U (in-person only)
Cook an Indian Passover Seder Meal Together (Zoom only)
Community Seder Meal in the Style of Mrs. Maisel (in-person only)
"People Love Dead Jews" book discussion (Zoom only)
"Heaven and Earth Grocery Store" book discussion (Zoom only)
Jewish Modern Artists- Man Ray (Zoom only)
Tour of the Weitzman Museum of American Jewish History (in-person only)
Search of a Path to a Just and Lasting Peace in Israel (Zoom only)
The Amazing Story of Curt Bloch (Zoom only)
The Power of Jewish Dreaming
American Jewish Women & the Nurturing of New York Opera Culture
Questions About Reconstructionism
Chaim Grade
Black Fiddlers in the Orbit of Thomas Jefferson
Rosh Hashana: Have a Roman Meal
Democracy in Israel- A Panel Discussion
Klezmer with the Mayer Brothers
The US & the Holocaust (no video available)
Spiritual Musings of a Jewish Farmer - A Conversation with Judy Dornstreich
Walking Historical Tour of New Hope, PA (no video available)
Nahman of Brezlov
Yom Hashoah - Jews of Shanghai, Surviving the Holocaust
Which Jew?
Artful Photographs of a Vanished World
Mindfullness-Rooted Torah Text
Jews at Forefront of Modern Art - Alan Katz
Last Kings of Shanghai
Written in the Stars - Jews & Astrology
Divorce - Ancient & Modern Wisdom for Today
Down With the Crown, Parts 1-4
Jews at Forefront of Modern Art - Miriam Schapiro
A Story of Jewish Immigration to Australia
Biblical Poetry: Beyond the Psalms
Was First Alphabet a Form of Hebrew?
Why Meditation?
Fermented Vegetables
Martin Buber Explained
Jews at the Forefont of Modern Art - Helen Frankenthaler
Genesis & the "Big Bang" Theory
Jews in Forefront of Modern Art - Louise Nevelson
Between Bitterness and Hope
Right to be Safef
Reproductive Rights: A Status Report
A Better Life for their Children
Jews in Forefront of Modern Art - Mark Rothko
Jews in Forefront of Modern Art - Ben Shahan
Making Art: A Jewish History
MidEast Peace
Pre-Zionist Migrations from Russia to Palestine
American Jews Encounter the Buddah
Cyles Within Cycles
Sourdough Bread Making
Converso & Crypto Jews of New Mexico
Tzedakah - A Jewish Value
Short Story Series - Tender at the Bone
FilmShul: From the Catskills with Love
Dura Europas
Torah in the Tarot
Rabbi in the Political Trenches
Short Story Series- Bontshe The Silent
Nazi Looted Art
Humanistic Judaism
Mendelsohn's Synagogues in America
Jews & the Art School of Paris (Pre WWII)
Reluctant Rabbi
Cairo Geniza
Jews Learning About Islam
Poetry Café
2025 Events
Contemporary Jewish Artists (Lee Krasner) - David Stoller's ongoing series of Jewish Artists is Lee Krasner, one of the original pioneers of abstract expressionism.
Short Story Reading - Author Lynn Levin reads “Frieda and Her Golem” from her short story collection House Parties and lead a discussion of discovery and wonder.
Plight of Hiatian Refugees and Efforts to Transform Their Lives - KHN member and Bucks County physician, Dr. Howard Lee, will discuss the challenges and opportunities of caring for Haitian refugees in the Dominican Republic and Haiti and his experiences working with non-profit Bold Hope. He will not only discuss the plight of the refugees but the Jews of the Dominican Republic, a Tikkun Olam story.
Politics & Poetry Post-October 7 - Jewish Voices & the Struggle to be Heard: Jewish and Palestinian poets both write of the pain following October 7. This presentation will address the literary and cultural crisis of anti-Israel writers having a larger voice in the community than Jewish writers and will include poems from the Jewish and Israeli point of view. Discussion leader Lynn Levin will be joined by members of Yetzirah: A Hearth for Jewish Poetry and editors from the Israel-based journal Nashim.
2024 Events
The Amazing Story of Curt Bloch: Curt Bloch was a German Jew who was hidden from the Nazis in a tiny crawl space below the attic rafters of a modest Dutch home. He made 97 single copy editions of a satirical, highly creative magazine series called, The Underwater Cabaret.
The Search for a Path to a Just and Lasting Peace in Israel: Any path toward peace must face the moral and political situation in its full complexity. Our speakers will summarize those complexities and outline some of JStreet’s suggestions for ways out of the current morass.
David Stoller's Modern Jewish Artists - Man Ray In his ongoing series examining Jewish Artists, David Stoller examines the long and varied career of painter and photographer Man Ray who achieved fame in the United States and Europe primarily in the 1920s-1940s, but his career extended before and after that period.
"Heaven & Earth Grocery Store" book discusion - KHN Member Susan Light lead a discussion of James McBride's best-selling book about a poor neighborhood in Pottstown, PA where Jewish immigrants and blacks lived side-by-side sharing ambitions, sorrows, and their struggles to survive.
"People Love Dead Jews" book discussion - KHN Member Debra Brosan lead a discussion of Dara Horn's book "People Love Dead Jews". With the rise of Jewish hate, now is the time to understand the past so that we can confront the patterns of antisemitism and biases against Jews. In the discussion we grappled with: How does Jewish history shape the present moment? How is it exploited for the comfort of the living? VIDEO NOT AVAILABLE.
Community Seder Meal in the Style of Mrs. Maisel - Prior to Passover, the Popkin ladies (Amy, Emma, and Lily Arnell) provided our school and members with a Communal Meal in the style of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. We enjoyed a meal in the style of 1950s Manhattan and enjoyed what we might eat if we joined the Maisel Family for a Jewish Festival Banquet. NO VIDEO AVAILABLE
Cook an Indian Passover Seder Meal Together - KHN Member Judith Daniels, who grew up in Bombay, India and developed a knowledge of Bene Israeli cuisine, showed us how to cook a simple Indian Jewish meal of rice pilaf, a curried salmon and a simple tomato/onion/cucumber salad: A meal that migrated from Bombay to America. VIDEO NOT AVAILABLE
Explore Judaica at Princeton University - During our guided tour of Princeton University's Department of Special Collections Firestone Library , in March three of the department’s librarians will gave us a ‘Show and Tell’ of special objects and collections with Jewish content, either directly related to Judaism or related to the Jewish experience. No video available. For more info about this trip click HERE. Here is a photo from the trip.
Heretics & Heresy KHN members David Stoller and Abraham Leibson will explore the underlying concepts, assumptions, and world views that produce heretics and relate those to the different ways of being Jewish in the U.S., in Israel and around the world and interview each other for how their histories relate to heresy.
Why Do We Have Poverty? KHN Member Sally Feineman led us in a discussion of poverty in America, grounded in her many years providing food to the poor in our local area and from the lessons taught in two exceptional books - “Poverty by America” by Matthew Desmond and "There Shall Be No Needy: Pursuing Social Justice through Jewish Law and Tradition" by Rabbi Jill Jacobs.
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Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
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