Without the dedication of committee members who volunteer their time and energy, our Shul could not function efficiently. To all the synagogue members who already serve on a committee, KHN thanks you for your dedication and hard work. If you're not part of a committee, please consider joining one!
Adult Education Committee plans and carries out adult education programming. KHN has a storied history of adult education events, and programs are attended by congregants of KHN and, often, members of the wider community. The Adult Education Committee sponsors a speaker series on topics of broad interest presented by recognized experts in their fields as well as “Bagel University” courses offered by KHN members. Members' expertise and interests drive the topics, which have included Jewish Intellectual History, Judaism’s influence on Renaissance Art, Jewish short stories, and how to make pickles, Challah, and Indian-Jewish food. Other topics have included Book Talk series, presentations on Jews in the Movies, and a series on the practice of Mussar (ethical living and enacting character traits that reflect Jewish values). In addition, Rabbi Diana conducts weekly Torah study.
For information contact: Abraham Liebson or Gerry Bogatz
Buildings and Grounds Committee monitors and manages required maintenance of our physical plant, planning major improvements as needed. The committee maintains and upgrades the landscaping of our grounds and organizes seasonal community work projects for such things as clean up, pruning, and new planting. The committee also oversees improvements to our driveway and parking lots, solves problems that arise with the building, and imagines new ways we can use our facility at a reasonable cost.
For information contact: Stephen Fox
Education Committee works with the Education Director and the Rabbi to oversee the operation of the KHN Shul School by developing the policies and procedures that govern the school. The committee has assisted the Education Director in revamping the Shul School curriculum and consults about ongoing modifications. The committee helps run extracurricular youth activities like outings and inter-synagogue get-togethers. The committee coordinates teacher appreciation and conducts periodic performance evaluations of the Education Director.
For information contact: Samantha Carroll
Finance Committee oversees and manages KHN's financial concerns and policies for our community.
For information contact: Eric Rosen
Fundraising Committee plans and carries out fundraising events and seeks sources of financial support for KHN. The committee promotes the Life and Legacy program and solicits participation in ongoing fundraising opportunities such as AmazonSmile.
For information contact: Andy Kaufman
Membership and Communications Committee seeks out and welcomes new members and provides promotion and publicity for KHN. The committee oversees the KHN website and social media and issues press releases to promote KHN and its activities to the wider community.
For information contact:Gerry Bogatz (communications) or Geoff Wyckoff (membership)
Mitzvah/Social Action Committee helps put Jewish values to work to improve our world. It fosters a Jewish community where values of tzedekah and tikkun olam are translated into actions to assist members of the KHN community in times of need and to better the world one task at a time. The committee carries out the annual KHN Mitzvah Day, which is coordinated with the Martin Luther King national holiday, collects food for the Lambertville Food Pantry, and contributes to the High Holiday Food Drive. Our motto: Actions speak louder than meetings.
For information contact: Chair position is currently open. Contact Lynne Goldman if interested.
Ritual Committee maintains the ritual practices and policies of KHN. Along with Rabbi Diana, the committee establishes the annual Jewish Community Calendar to determine how and when our congregation will observe Shabbat, Jewish holidays, and even certain secular holidays. Once details are finalized, the Ritual Committee organizes people from inside and outside the synagogue to make each event come to life. Two events hosted by the Ritual Committee have become KHN legends: The Break-the-Fast Buffet following Yom Kippur and the Community Seder on the second night of Passover.
The committee also helps coordinate support for congregants and families throughout their life cycles: birth, b'nai mitzvah, marriage, and death. The committee establishes guidelines for broader issues pertaining to our sacred space, including Kashrut policy and respectful practices in the sanctuary, and seeks to provide unanimity within our diverse community, whose members come from varied religious traditions and levels of observance.
For information contact: Lew Scheindlin or Rabbi Diana Miller
Wed, January 15 2025
15 Tevet 5785
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